Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Week 7 - Chapter 7 Creating Courseware

The actual design and homepage of the webpage is the most important tool for your online course. It can make or break you. A webpage must have a nice look to it with a simple background and lots of white space. You need consistency and repetition within a website. You also need contrast. Text should be mainly left-aligned (the normal way) and you shouldn't be forced to scroll forever to read things. Be reasonable with your choice of fonts and don't clutter a homepage with lots of links all over. Don't use too many graphics and too much multi-media. less is more. I loved going to to surf with the webhound for "the good, bad and bandwidth-hogging ugly". This link is a riot and gives you great examples of what not to do. The financial support of the institution you work for will also help determine how you create your site and how professional it may look.


Rachelle said...

I agree with all that has been said. I get so frustrated when websites are badly designed. They almost "hurt" my eyes to look at them, if that makes sense. I found this website that gives information on what not to do in website design.

AnnR said...

Great link! And I agree with you about less is more. My current bugaboo is the Boise State front page which manages to change pictures just as I'm about halfway through the caption.