Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Media Literacy and Research Skills

As a media specialist, I am often asked about teaching media literacy to students.  How can a student learn to discern a proper and legitimate source when researching a topic for a classroom project or "research paper"?  Students are now going to the Internet instead of the library...or going to the Internet through the library computers at school.  I want to share a link here to an online news magazine which introduces the new Google research feature for students.  Enjoy...


1 comment:

Frank W. Baker said...

Mrs Jensen:
What you've described is NOT "media literacy"--rather it is "information literacy." Many librarians confuse the two. Today's young people also need to have the skills of healthy skepticism AND discernment when it comes to their media use & exposure. For more, please go to The Media Literacy Clearinghouse website: www.frankwbaker.com